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Hamngatan 8, 111 46 Stockholm

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Security System Design

Security is not a prodcut but a process. It’s more than designing strong cryptography into the system. True security is about designing the entire system such that all security measures work together.

Every security installation is unique in its own ways. Every space has its own chanallenges and requirements. As a company with a longstanding experience in the Security Space, we have dealt with all sorts of unique requests. Wether you need help chosing hardware, desiging your phisical security, guards schedule, or even digital security for your footage, we got you covered.

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conceptual design

design development

vendor selection

Security Report

penetration testing

Latest from the blog

smart systems with hardware and software integration.

Enhancing Security Management with Advanced Control Software

Enhancing Security Management with Advanced Control Software
Surveillance cameras, security systems

Choosing the Right Surveillance Cameras for Your Security Needs

Choosing the Right Surveillance Cameras for Your Security Needs
Securing the Gold: Exploring the Financial Aspects of Physical and Digital Security

Unlocking the Power of Integrations in Comprehensive Security Solutions

Unlocking the Power of Integrations in Comprehensive Security Solutions

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