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Hamngatan 8, 111 46 Stockholm

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Unlimited applications

Retail Stores

Retail Stores security

Retail is an integral component of global economies and relies heavily on free flows of goods and services to thrive, but this makes it vulnerable.

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Airport security is a crucial aspect of air travel, ensuring the safety and well-being of passengers and airport personnel.

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Municipal facilities are at the core of every community, offering essential services and resources that help sustain local governance.

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Industrial facilities serve as the cornerstones of our society, housing critical infrastructure and manufacturing processes that propel it.

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Financial institutions serve as guardians of vast wealth both tangible and digital, placing financial security among its most formidable challenges.

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Sports has the ability to unite, exhilarate, and inspire, yet their vast crowds present unique security challenges when fanaticism emerges.

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Recent project

Stockholm-Västerås Airport

alarm system installation

Stockholm-Västerås airport is one of our largest deals ever. We were tasked with a full package of services such as desiging a security system for the airptort, chosing hardware and software, installations and training the security guards.

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